What is your talent?

Berlin. Two guys walk into a Café, the Café has no name. The place is messy as hell; half a Café with one big table and half an office with film cameras, equipment, and tons of paper and books laying around.

An old man with white hair listens their conversation and immediately asks them in English what they want to drink. -“Two single espressos, bitte” says the guy in the grey jacket. Twenty seconds later they receive their drink. The second guy asks the old man -“So, what is this place?”-

-“I used to be a film director, now I’m just enjoying life- says the old man.”

The two visitors finish their coffee. The place is still empty, and the conversation continues. -“So where are you from?” Asks the old guy to the young fellows.

-“Mexico”- Answers one of them. -“Pfff, Mexico is Ok, but it is nothing special. And you?”- Says the man. -“New Zealand” Answers with a proud New Zealand accent.

-“Now that’s a country I like. And what’s your talent?”

The New Zealander answers -“Well my profession is a computer scientist” The guy in the grey jacket remains silent.

-“Your Profession?, what is that, I asked for your talent?”

A new customer enters unexpectedly to the Cafe and orders a piece of cake. The conversation is left unfinished.

-“We have to leave” says one of the young guys. Both of them leave.

What is your talent? -“What is my talent?” Whispers the guy in the grey jacket….

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